Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Room-A-Day Plan
So, to lower my stress and get more organized I decided to implement this plan. I was getting overwhelmed with doing maintenance cleaning each day and not being able to do a down and dirty thorough cleaning of my house. Well, because I’m looking at this as a job I’m trying to keep a Monday thru Friday schedule for the housework. The plan is simple, I pick a day and a room. My Room-A-Day Plan looks like this:
Monday - Bathroom
Tuesday - Kitchen/Dining Room
Wednesday - Mud Room (Laundry room)
Thursday - Living Room/Front Hall
Friday - Bedrooms
You can break your Room-A-Day Plan down however works best for you. Right now this is still in the testing stage for me so, I’ll keep you posted on how it works out. My goal is to clean those rooms deeper than I do on a maintenance level. Hmmmm. Maintenance level cleaning is what I call keeping the surfaces, floors, counters, etc., free of the dreaded ‘things.’ 
In my deep cleaning of the bathroom today I used a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water. I put this in a spray bottle and labeled it. I used it to clean the mirror and as the solution to mop the floor. It worked great on the mirror. It is one of my money saving tricks I’m trying. It did a good job on the floor as well.

Vinegar as a disinfectant.